Monday, February 7, 2011

The dangers of complacency.

During my walk with God, I've found that the worst times, the times where you really struggle, are when you become complacent in your faith or reach the stage of 'lukewarm'. It's a very easy trap to fall into and sometimes very hard to make your way out of.

Why is it so hard to get out of? Simple answer. You don't realize you've become complacent and no one else realizes for you due to your outward appearance being unchanged.

In the book of Jeremiah, the lands of Israel and Judah have both offended God. Israel, for their disobedience and their sinful ways and Judah for coming to the Lord only in appearance but with no heart.

10 In spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to me with all her heart, but only in pretense,” declares the LORD. 11 The LORD said to me, “Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah.  Jeremiah 3:10-11 (NIV)

The Lord says that Israel, the sinner and divorced land is more righteous than Judah, the land of fake faith, the people who only show up to God but do not give Him their hearts. This tells us that the Lord is even more annoyed with Judah than Israel. Sometimes we think "Shouldn't God be more disappointed with the ones who have no faith?" But this is not the way of God. God has a heart for ALL people. Israel is like the lost society of today, God hates their deeds but He still loves them. Judah is like the thousands of people who regularly go to church and call themselves Christian even though they continue to sin, continue to run from God and continue to disobey the call of God.

God hates complacency. He hates it when we put on a show, or act holy but then don't follow with actions.

16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

Being complacent is an abomination to the ways of God and it offends Him massively. So what can we do? Identify complancency within ourselves.

Some general keys to complacency and fixing it:

1. Take note of how you are praying, small things often evolve into big things. Check the words you say, check if you are praying for God's heart or for your own heart. Simply, check your motives.

2. Check who the people you hang around with are. Are they powerfully walking with Christ? Or do they give you a bad influence? Make sure the people who you often hang out with are people who are going to benefit your soul.

3. Give yourself to God in prayer everyday. Ask God if you are becoming complacent or comfortable with your life. See how He feels about it and ask God to fix it.

So, God hates complacency, let's be hardcore instead.

God Bless,

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Speaking Positive

Today I just want to go over how powerful the words we say can be, and what the bible teaches on it. We've all heard the age old "Stick and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me" Right? Well, let's all be honest, they can. The power of speech is a huge part of our lives and it affects us all in a multitude of ways.

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome  talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

The way we talk in common society is often quite offensive, whether it be a flippant comment about culture, race or any difference between the people around us. Young people also tend to kid alot with jokes and little comments that make you think twice about their true heart for you.

The scripture in Ephesians points out that our talk should only ever be good and wholesome. Our talk should be uplifting, praise-filled, encouraging and enlightening. Condescending, critical or offensive talk does nothing good for a person, it only brings them down. This scripture calls us to build each others up, to be encouraging, to be the light of the world. The benefit of this type of talk is friends around us who are more confident due to the way we speak about them, it also helps them walk into their destiny proud of their faith and confident in our God.

The flipide of this scripture, is that encouraging words will only benefit those who listen. If you are wanting to encourage or bless someone who doesn't want to hear your words (think evangelical context), you are probably going to have to use more than words, you may have to take action to show people your heart for them.

On a different note, criticism is still an option, but only if it will build someone up i.e. constructive criticism. Criticism that hurts someone without picking them back up is actually of no benefit to them and you're only going to do damage. So how to give constructive criticism? I find that the Plaster+Stab+Plaster technique is very effective. What this means is first deliver someone a peice ofpositive encouragement (Plaster). Then tell them what needs to be fixed and remember to offer a solution (Stab).Then follow it up with another peice of encouragement or praise (Plaster). This technique often leaves the critqued person feeling positive instead of sour about the criticism.

God Bless,